Online Pet Clinic

Online Pet Consultancy is a unique idea which has made life much easier and convenient for all pet owners.Dr. Ajoy’s Pet clinic aims at providing prompt health consultation for dogs without the owner having to walk in to clinic in person. Let’s talk more about online pet consultancy and how going online in this respect has helped the pet owners across the country.

Dr. Ajoy’s Online Pet Consultancy center is a one-stop virtual clinic where you will find all answers to your questions related to pets. Dr. Ajoy, a veteran Veterinarian, has a specialized experience of over a decade in dealing with dogs. Isn’t it great that you get all your dogs-related questioned answered without stepping out of the house?

What services do you get at Dr. Ajoy’s Online Vet Center?

  • Diagnosis – There are numerous instances when we are extremely busy or can’t go out to a clinic.In such a situation, it becomes all the more difficult when your dog falls ill. Suppose your dog is suffering from some illness and you don’t have the time to take it to a clinic or you can’t go out of your house for some reason. What will you do for your dog? How will you know what’s exactly wrong with your dog’s health? To put a full stop to all such worries, here comes Dr. Ajoy’s Online pet clinic. With this clinic, you will get a quick consultation and diagnosis of diseases in dogs from the comfort of home.
  • Treatment and Medical Advice – Along with accurate diagnosis, Dr. Ajoy’s clinic is the best place for a speedy and effective treatment for your dog’s health problems. For all kinds of skin diseases like Ringworm, Tick and Fleas, Folliculitis, etc., any kind of surgery that your pet needs and any minor or major health issues, you can contact here (Dr. Ajoy’s Online Pet Clinic) for an immediate response and treatment, that too, from the comfort of home.

Why and when should you go for Online Pet Clinic?

There are numerous advantages that Online Pet Clinic offers-

  • Extremely Convenient for Pet owners-The concept of virtualizing a dog clinic has not only saved our time and increased our convenience, it has also made Distance immaterial. Based out in Ranchi, this pet clinic can take requests from all across the country, irrespective of where you stay. Imagine you are in some town 30 to 40 kms away from Ranchi and you want to consult Dr. Ajoy. It would be so tedious and even time-consumingto travel 40 kms but with Virtual clinic, you won’t have to make any move. It saves your time and effort.
  • High availability- Conventionally, all clinics are open for a certain period of time. To seek consultation or treatment outside those hours becomes difficult. With this online Pet service, you can directly contact Dr. Ajoy on call or drop a message anytime, to take health consultation for your pet and ask him all your pet-related problems.You can be absolutely assured that you will get the best medical advice and answers. You can reach out anytime as the clinic is available 24×7.
  • Immediate or quick response- Normally, it takes some time to get a doctor’s appointment and then to visit for a consultation. To reduce the waiting time effectively for Pet owners, Online Dog clinic is a great solution as you won’t have to wait for your turn endlessly and will receive a prompt response after dropping your query online.

So many perks of a simple solution at a time: Dr. Ajoy’s Online Pet Clinic.

Hurry! Don’t delay. Reach out today for the best expert medical advice/consultation or treatment for your pet.

Note-To drop in your queries, Go to the message section. Below is the chat option to have a talk with the Vet experts. You can also call on 9334273229