Things to Know About Cat De-Worming Schedule

Cat De-Worming Schedule detail

Here are important things that pet owner should know about cat de-working: A cat is a wonderful pet for millions around the globe. Cats are adored by many for their furry looks and cuddly nature. A pet becomes like a family member. You feel the same attachment and love for the pet as you would for your near & dear ones. And that’s why it’s essential that you take suitable care of your pet cat. This would enable the cat to live a healthy life till the time it’s alive.

Cat De-Worming Schedule detail

In spite of the care, you take for your pet cat, different kinds of worms might infect the animal. Worms not only badly affect the health of the cat; they are also quite painful to bear. And the resultant diseases damage the cat’s health, and in certain cases might also turn fatal. Also, sometimes these worms might also be passed on to the pet owner and his/her family.

What Kinds of Worms Might Strike Your Cat?

Roundworms – these are among the most common category of worms that strike cats. These grow in the intestines of cats of all ages. An infected cat passes on these worms through its faeces. These faecal matters might contaminate a substance that is consumed by another cat. And then the second cat gets infected. A mother cat might also pass it on to her kittens through the milk she produces for them.

Hookworms – these worms are also found in the intestines of cats. These worms damage the cats’ intestines’ internal linings. Cats can get infected with this worm in much the same way as with roundworms.

Tapeworms – tapeworms get passed on through the faecal matters. If any foodstuff gets infected with these and the cat consumes that foodstuff, then these worms will attack the cat. These worms also cause lots of discomfort to cats and can also cause serious health issues.

Worms can cause a lot of harm to your adorable pet cat. Hence, it’s essential that you take very good care of your cat. And for this purpose, you need to follow a schedule for the de-worming of the cat.

Points to Keep in Mind Regarding De-worming of Cats

  • For kittens aged between 3 weeks and 8 weeks, treat them for roundworms every 2 weeks. Then up to the time they are 6 months old, do the treatment monthly.
  • For cats older than 6 months, the roundworm de-worming should happen once every 1 to 3 months
  • For treating tapeworms, cats need to be treated every 1 to 3 months.
  • Many de-worming over-the-counter medicines are available at the chemists’. You can use them but do always consult a veterinarian before buying any medicine.
  • At times, depending on the condition of your cat, the de-worming schedule might need to be customized. The vet would be the most suitable person to advise on this. So, visit the vet with your pet cat within a few days of bringing it home.
  • Often, deworming needs to be done more frequently owing to the presence of more worms in certain areas. Do seek the vet’s advice on this as well.

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