10 Healthy Foods for Dogs To Keep Them Healthy

Best Healthy Dog Foods

Your dog needs to have a proper diet for a healthy living. It’s very important to know what food you provide to your dog or puppy according to its needs. The wrong foodstuff can bring several health issues which can hamper your dog’s health.

There are plenty of foods which you want to give to your dogs but at the same time, you need to be very cautious about it. It may not suit your dog’s nourishment.

Here are some of the top ten healthy food which you can give to your dog on a regular basis:


It is very surprising that Apple can be beneficial for your dog. The high content of vitamin A and vitamin C nourishes your dog’s health. It is also a good source of fibre that keeps your dog’s digestive system healthy. It also takes care of your dog’s teeth as well. Make sure you cut the apple into slices and remove the seeds as well as the outer membrane before giving it to your dog.


 Eggs are considered the best protein source for your dog. It contains amino acids, omega 3s, vitamin A, vitamin D, etc.

These constituents help your dog to attain a healthy body, eyes and fur as well. Eggs should be boiled and given in pieces so that your dog can easily digest them. Eggs can be easily added to your dog’s nourishment regularly. Be careful to buy good quality eggs to avoid health issues.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is the best soup for your dog.

It contains so many valuable nutrients which can do wonders for your dog.

It can help in detoxifying your dog’s liver which helps him to boost his metabolism.

It can strengthen your dog’s bones and muscles which can keep your dog active and energetic all the time. It also helps to overcome the problem of joint pain and other several problems.

How can you prepare bone broth?

You can boil the bones with Apple cider vinegar and little sugar at low flame in a pressure cooker and wait for it to get onto the consistency of soup.

You can cool it and give it to your dog directly.


Oatmeal is a very good source of fibres and nutrients that help your dog for a better digestive system. It makes the digestion process easy and comfortable.

The old dogs who face the problem of chewing and digestive issues can be provided with such meals. It is easily digestible and easy for intake.

Be careful before serving it, cool it down before giving it to your dog.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective medicines that you can add to your dog’s diet. It is the only good type of fat that has been proved to have various benefits.

It helps to improve your dog’s brain and moreover, it is said to have antibacterial properties which can help to destroy the harmful bacteria which is present in your dog’s body.

You can add a little amount of it to your dog’s diet or you can cook your dog’s meal using a little amount of it.

Peanut Butter

In most of the cases, it has been noticed that peanut butter has been the favourite treat for dogs.

It is highly rich in protein. Apart from this, it also contains vitamin E and vitamin B and several healthy fats which prove ideal for your dog’s diet.

You can put this butter into specialized chewing toys so that your dog can enjoy his treat for an amount of good time.

Be careful to choose a good peanut butter as choosing a bad quality may prove to be toxic for your dog.

Fatty Fish

Tuna and salmon fish are fatty fish which have a high content of omega-3 that proves highly beneficial for your dog.

It does wonders for your dog’s coat and fur.

It makes it shiny and healthy.

Apart from this, it makes your dog’s immune system strong and also makes your dog’s brain function well.

It is better to serve it to your dog cooked rather than giving it raw.


Everyone is aware of the fact that meat serves a very important role in the dog’s diet.

It is a very good source of protein that makes your dog energetic and healthy.

Meat like chicken, pork, etc is very good sources of amino acids and vitamin B which is very necessary for your dog’s growth and development.

Look for good quality meat which has no content of high fats.

It’s better if cooked with coconut oil and served to your dog. It can be boiled and served too.

Green Peas  

Some vegetables are good for your dog and one such example is green peas.

It makes a great for your dog as they are low in calories.

It’s very crucial to choose the good and pure quality of beans that have no added flavours or salts.

Boil them or cook them a bit with coconut oil and serve it to your dog at regular intervals.


It can be a very surprising fact that even mushrooms can prove to be healthy for your dog’s diet.

It is said that mushrooms m contains some medicinal constituents that serve your dog requires proteins and nutrients.

It can improve the immune system of your dog as well as take care of its digestive system because of the high content of antibiotics and enzymes.

You serve it to your dog by either boiling or cooking it with a little amount of coconut oil.


Therefore, it is very important to take care of your dog’s diet. It makes them healthy as well as increase their lifespan.

The mentioned foodstuffs should only be given after consulting your veterinarian to avoid any side effects on your dog.

Provide your dog with natural and pure food as good as possible. Make sure your dog lives a happy and healthy life as your life!!

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